Where will we meet?

I meet with clients online. You’ll receive a link via email each week so you can sign in for your session. Make sure you have a quiet secure space with a strong internet connection available.

What’s important for me to know about you as a therapist?

I am a,

  • LGBTQ+ Ally

  • Racial Justice Ally

  • Transgender Ally

How do you do therapy

We’ll take a look at present issues that might be connected to the past and check in on how that’s impacting you relationally (i.e exploring core beliefs and themes from your life, as well as what’s coming up somatically etc). But bottom line, we’ll follow where your mind goes, often times just being open and curious creates movement.

How will I know if we’re a good fit?

Therapy is deeply personal, it’s important to feel out which therapist and modality is the right match for you. For that reason, I am happy to meet for a free 15-minute consultation. This allows us to see if we’d be a good fit. 

What do you charge?

For individual counseling sessions my rate is $175 per 50 minute session and couples therapy sessions are $250 for the initial 50 minute session and $225 per subsequent 50 minute session. Fees are due at the time of service. I do offer a few sliding scale spots for clients who are currently unable to pay the normal rate. These rates are agreed upon by myself and each client prior to the beginning of our second session and reviewed every few months. 

Do you work with kiddos or teens?

Not at this time.